Everybody wants to live in a comfortable home with the right temperature. During the summer months, temperatures can get quite high and this is the time to consider the perfect cooling system. The fans or A/C debate appears to be a no-brainer because most people prefer air conditioners. Your decision to cool your home with either an air conditioner or a fan depends on your inclination as well as your budget. Just look at the facts and numbers below and decide whether to use fans or A/C to cool your home. The high cost of air conditioning Cooling your home with an air conditioner does not come cheap. A typical window air conditioner that runs for 12 hours per day will cost the average American $40 per month at 12 cents per kilowatt-hour. The 2.5-ton residential central air conditioner uses about 1,300 kilowatt-hours per month. This costs approximately $150 monthly. On the other hand, a […]