Consider how much time you spend inside your home. For most families, the home serves as a sanctuary away from work and other daily responsibilities. Your home should be a safe and comfortable space that allows you to get things done when you want to and relax when you need it. For these reasons and more, the temperature in your home matters as it can impact different areas of your life. Why Indoor Air Temperature Matters Here are a few reasons why the temperature of your home matters for you and your family: Indoor air temperature keeps your home comfortable. This is probably the most obvious answer to this question. The temperature inside of your home helps you create a comfortable environment for you and your family. Whether you are making a meal in the kitchen, enjoying time with your family in the living room, or laying down for a much needed rest in your […]
Thinking of Living Off-Grid? 3 Heating & Cooling Tips for Homesteaders
More and more American families are choosing to live off-grid or at least adopt some of the practices of homesteaders in order to make a more positive impact on their environment. Even if you are not planning to live completely off the grid, these alternative heating and cooling options can help you reduce energy consumption and may even be able to help you save some money in the long run. Tips for Off-Grid Heating and Cooling Here are some tips for heating and cooling for those who want to live off-grid: Make sure that your home is well-insulated. One of the most important first steps in transitioning to off-grid heating and cooling is making sure that your home is well-insulated. A significant amount of energy is wasted when poor insulation allows warm or cool air inside the home to escape. By checking that your home is well-insulated and fixes any problem areas, you can help increase […]
Should I Leave Interior Doors Open Or Closed During Heating And Cooling?
Recently, researchers have found out that simply keeping a bedroom door closed can adversely affect comfort, safety and health in a house. This is because it blocks the air’s pathway, thus reducing air flow into the room and through the system as well. Pressurization of the room, which is caused by air trapped within the space, forces the cool air out of the house. All this has a significant impact on the energy efficiency of a house. How Closed Doors Affect Energy Efficiency When air is forced out of a room under pressure, an equal amount needs to be drawn so as to replace the expelled draught. Depending on the number of closed doors, the rate of entry of hot or cold outside air could go up by anything between 300% and 900%. This raises utility bills, decreases comfort and brings in a host of health problems. Since fluids seek the path of least resistance, […]
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