Many people seem to overlook the fact that the “V” in “HVAC” stands for ventilation. Lack of maintenance and the incorrect usage of your HVAC system will result in poor indoor air quality, which can lead to problems such as inadequate humidity and the spread of allergens and bacteria. In this blog, your local HVAC contractor Amber Air Conditioning Inc. shares the signs that your building’s HVAC system as affecting indoor air quality.
How To Keep Your Home Cool In Summer
Summer brings plenty of pleasures to look forward to; however, the sweltering, steam bath–like days are nothing to look forward to. The good news is that there are a number of summer cooling tips for surviving a hot spell without sending the electricity bill soaring. The heat of summer can mean astronomical power bills if one relies solely on air conditioning to keep the home cool. Cooling Tips for Your Home · One of the most effective house cooling tips is to prevent heat buildup within the house. Many household appliances and fixtures such as lighting and electronic devices are sources of internal heat gain. Therefore, one should position the television, lamps and other heat producing appliances far from the air conditioner’s thermostat, since the heat that such devices produce causes the cooling unit to think the house is hotter than it is, resulting in the cooling system working harder than is necessary and wasting […]