Oil Furnaces are used in many homes as heating systems. This option is an important part to one’s comfort at home and if it breaks down, it can be devastating. Repairs can be costly and can take time to complete. If your oil furnace breaks down, take the steps below to try and troubleshoot the problem. STEP #1 Check the Thermostat First, check the thermostat. If the room temperature is seventy degrees for example, and the thermostat is set on sixty five, then the unit will not kick on. Simply change the temperature to remedy the problem. If the thermostat is a programmable one, make sure the batteries are working properly. The batteries may simply need to be changed. If your oil furnace is connected with central air or is zone, check and make sure the switch on the selector is set to heat. This can also be a simple remedy. Many times, it is […]
4 ways to heat your home without electricity
Electricity is an important part of everyday life. We all have become accustomed to having electricity at home every hour of every day. We need electricity to get ready for the day and get ready for bed. We must have power to function, especially when it comes to staying comfortable in our homes. However, there are several ways to get by without power. Home owners need to have heat in the home to feel comfortable during the winter months and there are options for heating the home without electricity. Below are four ways to heat the home without electricity which will allow you to save power as well as save money on your utility bill. Fireplace One option for heating the home without electricity is a fireplace. If you have a fireplace in the home, you can purchase firewood or simply scour the woods to find wood that will allow you to heat your home […]
3 tips to keep your electric bills under control
Electric bills seem to increase each and every month and this can be hard on a home owner’s pocketbook. It is important for home owners to try and keep their electric bills down so they can afford other bills in the home. There are several options that home owners can take to keep their utility bills down. Simple steps can be taken to cut down on costs but keep your home cool or warm, depending on the season. Consider the tips below to help keep your electric bills under control. HVAC Inspection One option is to have your HVAC inspected. It is important to make sure that your heating and cooling system is working properly. If your unit is working improperly, this can cause your unit to work overtime, which can increase your utility bill. Have a technician inspect your unit to ensure that the unit is working well so your bills will continue to […]
Amber Air Conditioning – Infographics
Types of Underfloor Heating
Underfloor heating is a type of heating that is considered central type of heating because it provides indoor climate control to make the home more comfortable. Underfloor heating can heat a home using three different types of heat production: conduction, convection, and radiation. The phrase radiant heat or radiant heating is often times used to describe this type of heating because radiation creates a great deal of the heat produced for purposes of comfortably heating a house. Even though the term radiant heat is sometimes used to describe all underfloor heating, not all underfloor heating technology uses radiation. Underfloor heating actually has a long history that goes back before electricity even. Archelogists have discovered in Asia that create tunnels to allow drafts of smoke through these tunnels covered with stone underneath floors of terraced homes. The smoke from fires heated the stones, and this would heat the ancient homes. Underfloor heating has evolved over the […]